Hotel «Eridan»*** — is the only hotel of Vitebsk which is included to the net of Best Eastern Hotels.
Hotel has the category of 3***, its service is on a European level and offers an accommodation for 43 people in 27 rooms with all conveniences.
- Free Wi-Fi
- Satellite TV
- Phone
- Refrigerator
- Bathroom with a tub and all necessary toiletry
- WC
- Bedside table, chairs and/or armchairs, working table
- Hairdryer, iron (on request)
Some rooms also have:
- Balcony
- Corner bath tub
- Sofa
Payment options:
- Cash or credit card, bank transfer
- Accepted credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro
Rooms have air conditioning and ventilation that makes your stay comfortable in summer. All the rooms are for No-smokers.
To make the Hotel unique some of it rooms were designed in original style.
Breakfast is not included. Breakfast is 13,00 BYN per a person.
* The prices shown are not a public offer. Clients are calculated on the current price list valid on the day of settlement.